Our Team

Dr. Mdashiru N. Ibrahimu

A Medical Doctor and radical entrepreneur who holds a bachelor's degree in Doctor of Medicine from the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) since 2012. He is the Co-founder and Managing Director of  AJE-FARMS. CO.LTD

He is a former intern Doctor at Bugando Medical Center from 2012-2013. He has also served as a general practitioner (MD) at both St.Benedictine Ndanda Referral Hospital from 2013 to 2014 ; then at Bukoba Regional Referral Hospital from 2014 -2016 when he decided to quit public practice to join a private organization ( PATH ) where he served as a USAID Boresha Afya Project Malaria Coordinator for Kagera and Geita from 2016- November 2017 when he decided to call a spade a spade; he had to quit his high paying job by then so as to co-found AJE-FARMS in 2018 and work as a full time AJE-FARMER!

Throughout his employment journey Dr. Ibrahim used to invest in different agricultural ventures by using 70% of his monthly salary. 

Here is his story why he had to quit his "high paying job" to pursue his dreams in agribusiness:

Born and raised in rural Tanzania from a polygamous farming family of 32 siblings. He is a passionate radical agripreneur who believes in turning challenges into opportunities. A maverick who learns more from his failures other than his successes! 

He decided to hang his medical coat at the age of 36 years in November, 2017 to venture into Agribusiness and by so doing he was labelled M.A.D which to him meant "Making A Difference". He had to quit his high paying J.O.B (Just Over Broke) ; with a monthly take home salary of TZS 4,000,000! Looks astonishing , doesn't it? The following has always been his response when asked why he had to quit a white collar job and opt into blue collar hustles:- "I don't believe in the downstream management of diseases; many people fall sick mainly because they have poor lifestyles and eating habits. It is much paying off in terms of impact by preventing diseases rather than waiting for people to fall sick and give them pills with multiple side effects. After all treatments at hospitals puts a lot of burden to the government and families in terms of hospitalization, complications and hospital bills. Prevention is cheaper and takes less time and resources leaving families happy. The best way to curb poverty and diseases is through grassroot interventions such as healthy eating habits and lifestyles. Thus since food depends on agriculture ;investment in agriculture and good eating campaigns will heal the society. I opted to be M.A.D so as to make a difference"




Dr. Hartig Chris

As per old adage "Birds of the same feathers flock together" .Dr.Christian Frenz Herman Hartig is a German national ; a medical doctor who doesn't believe in the downstream  management of diseases. He is an entrepreneur who has travelled to every corner of the world - making millions of friends and business networks all along. He does believe in the upstream management of diseases that emphasizes on prevention. Dr.Christian contributes significantly to our team due to his optimism, curiosity and travel experience with great business networks since they say "your network is your net worth"





Tiago Kiliani Nkalavalava
Tech Advisor - Chief Technology Officer/CTO

Tiago is a dynamic professional with a diverse background in graphic design, digital marketingtechnology advisory, and arts. Based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, He brings a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise to his role as the Tech Advisor for AJE-FARMS Co. Ltd.

Passionate about using technology to create meaningful impact, He specializes in front-end development, communication, innovation, business development, and entrepreneurship, ensuring that AJE-FARMS leverages modern tools to support rural communities. He holds certifications in website and mobile apps development from Gainesville Dev Academy (FL, USA), Hackerhouse (FL, USA) alumnus and a degree in computer science from Kampala International University.

When he’s not working, He enjoys exploring new digital innovations, reading books, listening to some music, mentoring young talent, and contributing to impactful projects that drive growth and sustainability in his community.